Letter of the Week – Letter P


Day 1

  1. Find p stickers and put on P
  2. Color and assemble Letter P Book
  3. Go to library and get p books
  4. Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew
  5. We started reading Mr. Popper’s Penguins.  She asked for an activity with it, so I quickly made her a themed bath for it.  I cut up parts of a penguin out of foam, dyed the water blue and gave her a bowl of ice. She loved it.  I made 12 penguins, but could have just done two or three (see pic above).  When will I learn?! If it takes longer than five minutes (this took ten), don’t keep going! 🙂  (I posted other ideas, but never got around to them.  You can find them on my Mr. Popper’s Penguin Pinterest board.)
    Letter of the Week - Letter P

Day 2

  1. Color in P Outline and p Outline with: purple and pink (Other options: paint, pom poms, pasta, paper clips, packing peanuts, paper, pipe cleaners, pine cones)
  2. Pair up socks for laundry (this lasted 2 seconds…I think she did two or three pairs)
  3. Starfall computer activity
  4. Play dough
  5. Video: Sesame Street and the Letter P

Day 3

  1. Pouring water–just a couple of different containers and some water.  I talked to her about how the water would change shape based on the different containers she put them in.  She loved it.  Played with it for about 20 min the first day and again the next day.  She, of course, had to get more water so she could see the water get thin.
    Letter of the Week - Letter P
  2. Plant something — I wasn’t going to do this, but then she ate a peach and a plum and she wanted to plant the seeds.  So, she did. 🙂
  3. Pie puzzles – decorate a few paper plates to look like pie, cut one in half, one in fourths, one in sixths and one in eights, had her put them together.
  4. Activity Sheet 1
  5. Activity Sheet 2
  6. Video: Get Squiggling!

Day 4

  1. Letter to a friend whose name starts with P
  2. Pasadena Field Trip — Went with her dad in the bike trailer and took her scooter.  It was an event called CicLAvia, in which they shut down streets for cars and allow people on the streets.
  3. Activity Sheet 3
  4. Activity Sheet 4
  5. Song: Pictures of Pandas Painting

Day 5

  1. Gather up any toys (animals are especially great for this) that start with the letter.  Create a centerpiece and display the items. (Yes, that would be Lego poop and pee in the toilet. Hahaha!)
    Letter of the Week - Letter P
  2. P dinner
    Appetizer: popcorn
    Dinner: Pad Thai (I bought boxed from Trader Joe’s.  They were spicy, but after soaking it with paper towels, my daughter and I could eat it. 🙂 ) I was concerned about it being spicy, so I made it a side.  The rest was, peas, pieces of chicken and peppers.
    Letter of the Week - Letter PDessert: Danish Pancakes (bought them at Trader Joe’s in the frozen breakfast section — they’re delicious!)
    (Other options: pears, pineapple, pasta, pita, pickles, pumpkin pie, peaches, potatoes, peanut butter, pizza, pie, pudding, punch, pancakes, pound cake, pretzels, pad thai, panini, papaya,peach pie, prune, purple food, parfait)
  3. Bible Story: Paul, Peter, Potiphar, Priscilla

Letter O Post and Letter Q Post

All Letter of the Week Posts

Click here for Alphabet Pinterest Board

To see more themes and what my three year old learned this year, click here.




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