Letter of the Week – Letter F



When she was taking the “e” stuff down, she was acting all sad, so she left an “e” up. 🙂

(First time doing this with the baby around.  So, lots less pictures an less activities that involve a ton of set-up.  Still trying to get over the guilt of not having enough time for her.  :/)

Day 1

  1. Find f stickers and put on F  (She also got a sticky pad and made F’s on them and put them around the room for dad to find. And realized I could’ve had her help me make all the stickers. Duh!)
  2. Color and assemble letter F book
  3. Find F books on our shelves
  4. Put out F words (furniture, family, floor…I highly recommend using masking or painting tape so nothing is ruined when  you pull it off)
  5. Play Go fish (In case you forgot the rules, like I did, pass out 5-7 cards. Ask to see if other person has one of the cards you have in your hand.  If they don’t, they say “go fish.” If they do, you get it.  You can put it together as pairs or all four cards. And if they don’t have the card you asked for, you have to draw from the pile.  If you get the card you wanted, you say, “Got what I wanted!” and you get to ask again [that may just be something we did in my family 🙂 ]  My daughter’s hand was too little to hold the cards, so she had them laid out in a spot I couldn’t see.  It was great to see the lack of competition.  She was so excited when I got her cards. 🙂 )
  6. Video: The Letter F

Day 2

  1. Flashlight walk at night
  2. Fill in F outline and f outline with: fingerprints and flower stamps (other options: felt, fabric, floss, feathers, flower petals, finger paint, fives)
  3. Fire safety
    We talked about if there was a fire or smoke to run outside.  That if there was a lot of smoke, to crawl on the ground.  And if there was a little fire on her shirt, to stop, drop and roll–she practiced it.  (This all felt really weird.  I can’t imagine a situation where she’d need to know this at this young age.  We are always together. I think this was a “this is something that preschoolers should know.” But, is really more for a school setting.)
  4. Starfall Computer Activity
  5. Video: Olive and the Rhyme Rescue Crew

Day 3

  1. Frog jumping (just like it sounds…she jumped like a frog)
  2. Throw a football
  3. Letter to a friend whose name starts with F
  4. Flower pot: She cut out a pot, glued it to paper, drew 3 stems, and she cut out 3 flowers and glued them on
  5. Video: Get Squiggling-Letter F

Day 4

  1. Made paper airplanes with her dad — they “flew” them aroundIMG_1687
  2. Make a fan:  I folded a paper back and forth (could also try: cut half a paper plate, decorate, attach a craft stick).  She did the last few of them with my help.
  3. Activity sheet 1 
  4. Activity sheet 2
  5. Song: F is Fun
  6. Song: Fake Believe

 Day 5

  1. Activity sheet 3
  2. Activity sheet 4
  3. Cut out fish and she put fingerprints all over them. (See picture at top)
  4. Gather up any toys (animals are especially great for this) that start with the letter.  Create a centerpiece and display the items. We didn’t have many F items (realized the candles worked for fire) The people are a family.  I’ve really loved these different race doll families. Here’s a link to them on Amazon where you can buy them.
  5. F dinner Finger foods (we had frankfurters in a pastry…store bought, you’ll see a lot more pre made stuff now that I’ve got a newborn. 🙂 )Fiesta Fusilli — basically a Mexican dish with pasta…diced tomatoes, salsa, chicken, beans, corn, cheese and cilantro (I was a little skeptical, but it was really good.)
    IMG_1655Fondue (chocolate…made the mistake of getting dark chocolate, she did not like it.  But, she didn’t really complain since she got Madeleine’s, graham crackers, strawberries, oranges, pretzels and dried apricots.)
    IMG_1638(Other options: fajitas, frankfurters, frittata, filet mignon,Fruit salad, falafel, fish, fried chicken, fritters, fettucini, fish sticks, French fries, fudge, fig newtons, flan, funnel cake, French bread)
  6. Talk about God’s Feast days


Letter E Post and Letter G Post

All Letter of the Week Posts

Click here for Alphabet Pinterest Board

To see more themes and what my three year old learned this year, click here.







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